
Science podcasts

Do any of you listen to podcasts much? After listening to one on Dr. Borlaug this morning on my way to work, I have decided to check out more science related podcasts. I have found one cool website so far, The Science Show. Tomorrow morning I think I'll listen to a commentary on Not Even Wrong - a newly released book highly critical of String Theory. I read about in the UK Times, via aldaily, and it sound pretty interesting.

I will probably also check out the topics of the formation of the solar system and plate techtonics.

Any other recomended sites?


Anonymous said...

Sal nie kan se(shift ietsahhhhhhh)dat ek al genoeg surf om al my ideale na te volg nie, maar ek moet se dis goeie drive time digital storage devices choice and all, meeste van my audiobooks is passalongs en geskeur soos ou t-shirts.

Wat geniet jy meer topic podcasts met guest speakers of audiobooks met publication oorsprong

qoute van std 7 aardrykskunde
"ons is op voken canoes lighties "

nico said...

I am currently listening to A Brief History of Time read by the author.

Just kidding.

I've been downloading some audio books from soulseek lately. Only fiction though.

I'm on the lookout for some good audio history books.

That plate tectonics one sounds interesting.